Jennifer Porter is one of those American vocalists who will always exist at the cutting edge of fine music...Her versatility is often breath-taking.” - Roy Bainton

— Blues Matters Magazine-U.K.

US & European Press

"In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft. Jennifer Porters Bandbreite der Emotionen ist riesig. Die Feinsinnigkeit reflektieren auch die Mitmusiker. Jennifer Porters Reise durch diverse Genres hin zu musikalisch-geografischen Zielen ist brillant. Jennifer Porters Stimme ist über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Wie die Songs ist auch ihr Gesang stets gefühlvoll, manchmal filigran-fragil wie chinesisches Porzellan. Die zehn Tracks sind wie ein Spiegel der hervorragenden Texte, die die Protagonistin geschrieben hat…Infizierender Groove trifft auf Roots Music, gesungen mit Jennifer Porters hinreißender Soulstimme…"Sun Come And Shine" ist rundum ein Highlight. Wer Musik aus unterschiedlichen Genres, vereint unter dem Dach einer Jennifer Porter, mag, ist bei dieser Künstlerin genau an der richtigen Adresse."

"In tranquility lies great strength.  Jennifer Porter's range of emotions is enormous. Her journey through diverse genres to musical-geographic destinations is brilliant. Jennifer's voice is beyond a doubt sublime. Like the songs, her singing is always soulful, and full of feeling, sometimes filigree-fragile like Chinese porcelain. The ten tracks are like a mirror of the excellent texts that the protagonist herself wrote…Infectious groove meets roots music, sung with Jennifer Porter's gorgeous soul voice…"Sun Come And Shine" is an all-round highlight…Anyone who likes music from different genres, united under the roof of a Jennifer Porter talent, is at the right address with this artist." - Joachim 'Joe' Brookes, Rocktimes – DE

Zoals steeds vaart de immens getalenteerde en van een uniek stemgeluid voorziene Porter haar eigen koers. Verwacht dus zeker geen cliché rhythm & blues, blues en soul. Neen, Jennifer geeft deze genres een compleet eigen twist. Noem het gerust de ‘Jennifer Porter twist’…‘Sun Come And Shine’ is andermaal een knaller van een album. Jennifers hemelse stem, haar prachtige composities, de tot in detail uitgewerkte arrangementen en de persoonlijke draai die ze aan rhythm & blues, blues en soul weet te geven, onderscheiden haar van menig artiest. Het wordt hoog tijd dat deze dame internationaal doorbreekt. 

As always, the immensely talented and unique voiced Porter sails her own course. So don't expect cliché rhythm & blues, blues and soul. No, Jennifer gives these genres their own twist. Feel free to call it the "Jennifer Porter twist"…"Sun Come And Shine" is another hit of an album. Jennifer's heavenly voice, her beautiful compositions, the detailed arrangements and the personal twist she manages to give to rhythm & blues, blues and soul, distinguish her from many artists. It is high time for this lady to break through internationally. Lambert Smits –Keys And Chords, BE

"Jennifer Porter captivates with ‘Sun Come And Shine’.  The delivery is instantly empowering with a soundscape unlike any other in the current space...Fusing many sounds into one, Jennifer creates a hybrid of blues and soul, and she takes a giant leap forward, leaving us itching to hit replay once it comes to its closing second." – Max Jordan, New In Music - UK

*“‘Show Me Your Love,’ by Jennifer Porter is a real treat. She’s fierce as ever, and cements her position as one of the most enthralling female blues singers of recent times.” ★★★★★ - Emily Harris, GSGM – UK

“Jennifer Porter heeft met Sun Come And Shine een langspeler gemaakt die schittert door de subtiele aanpak die hier geraadpleegd wordt. Haar stem en haar liedjes komen zo perfect tot hun recht.”

“Jennifer Porter has made an LP with Sun Come And Shine whose subtle approach shines through. Her voice and her songs come into their own so perfectly.” - Ralf W, WHITE ROOM REVIEWS - NL

“Jennifer has a beautiful, folksy singer-songwriter feel from the ‘70s that is soulful, heartfelt, and charming as can be… From the press of play, Jennifer Porter commands one’s attention. There were two cherries on top though when it comes to Jennifer Porter’s ballads…her song, “I’ll Be Here” hit me like a ton of bricks – in the best way possible. Rising Artists - UK

“Artiste polyvalente au possible, Jennifer Porter est une artiste indispensable qui signe avec « Sun Come And Shine » une œuvre superbement aboutie. Qu’on se le dise !”

“As versatile an artist as can be, Jennifer Porter is an indispensable artist who presents with "Sun Come And Shine" a superbly accomplished work. Spread the word!” - Fred Delforge, Zicazic - France

“Jennifer Porter die met haar fantastische stem eigenlijk moeiteloos alle muziekstijlen wel aan kan. Sun Come And Shine is wederom een kwaliteitsalbum van Jennifer Porter. De tien tracks zijn puntgave composities en vocaal is de Amerikaanse wederom ijzersterk.” 

“…Jennifer Porter can handle all musical styles effortlessly with her fantastic voice. Sun Come And Shine is once again a quality album by her. The ten tracks are great compositions and The American’s vocal is again, strong.” - Corne Van Groenedaal- Muziek - NL

“‘Show Me Your Love’ is a stunning release from the Maine-based singer/songwriter… She often delivers excellent vocal performances, but on this track she demonstrates her true brilliance.” – David Connor, Is This Music – Scotland

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